Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Tower and Great Eye

Sauron, The Dark Lord of Mordor has rise again after his 3000 years of falls. The returning are absolute and he wants his ring back to gain his power and cover all Middle Earth for second age of darkness. In the Land of Shadow, he rebuilt the Dark Tower known as Barad Dur, as the pinnacles of the raisen the dark power. The tower took 600 years to complete, stapled from steels and adament, guarded by thousand of Orcs, Goblins and all kind of Dark Creatures. Sauron, although not fully regain his full human form but the spirit remain endured in a form of great, lidless eye, sit on top of the tower, looking the One Ring.

the 3d simulation is based on the discription from the book, The Lord of The Rings

Great Malacca

Once, Melaka is a powerfull maritime empire at the edge of Straits of Malacca, holding the key to wealthness of Southeast Asia for over 110 years. The rise of Melaka been rendered with legend and mystical tales that coloured the great history of Malays in Malaysia, from the beginning of it up until now. full with stories of great warriors, beautiful princesses, great kings mythical powers and bizzarre battles. Examples like the palace of the king, Istana Mahligai on top of Melaka Hill ( now known as St Paul Hill ), known to be the most beautiful palace ever built in the region, built from finest treasure of tropical forest, along with decoration of golds, diamonds and all kind of jewels. The invasion of Portuguese in 1511 had cause the fall of it the palace were burnt to ground, left without traces only a discription in book Malay Annals (Sejarah Melayu). This is s 3d simulation of the palace based on the descriptions and also from some of articles and research.

Great Malacca

Once, Melaka is a powerfull maritime empire at the edge of Straits of Malacca, holding the key to wealthness of Southeast Asia for over 110 years. The rise of Melaka been rendered with legend and mystical tales that coloured the great history of Malays in Malaysia, from the beginning of it up until now. full with stories of great warriors, beautiful princesses, great kings mythical powers and bizzarre battles. Examples like the palace of the king, Istana Mahligai on top of Melaka Hill ( now known as St Paul Hill ), known to be the most beautiful palace ever built in the region, built from finest treasure of tropical forest, along with decoration of golds, diamonds and all kind of jewels. The invasion of Portuguese in 1511 had cause the fall of it the palace were burnt to ground, left without traces only a discription in book Malay Annals (Sejarah Melayu). This is s 3d simulation of the palace based on the descriptions and also from some of articles and research.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Dubai Oh Dubai

hari ni 25 aribulan, dah genap 3 bulan aku kat dubai......dah 3 bulan aku tinggalkan bumi bertuah Malaysia....kejauhan dari tanahair membuatkan aku rasa semakin dekat, jauh dari segi hati dan ingatan, tambah-tambah mak ayah aku.... Dulu masa aku duk kl, nak tepon sebulan skali pon susah....tu pon sekejap je tapi sejak dah duk dubai ni, rasa mcm setiap hari nak call kampung. skrg aku mcm x kesah pon berabis kredit sampai 40 dirham sekali call kampung...semata nak dengar suara mak aku.... ermmmm. keje? so far ok.....busy mcm biasa rilek dan keje, sama je. atleast gaji aku setimpal ngan keje yg ada, xdelah kesah sgt, x mcm kat malaysia.

aha, that's the only bad thing about architecture career in malaysia. Gaji mmg...bluergghhh. tapi yg x bestnyer kiat berjauhan dari apa yg selama ni kita hold dear. well, every happiness deserve some sacfrice don u think? terpaksalah terima. tahan jelah, x lama pon, sampai 2009 je. pastu aku balik kl. aku ada future plan after that, tapi x sure nak pilih yg mana satu ( aku ada 2 option). aku x leh ckp byk pasalnya skrg, takut x jadi, saku juga yg malu dayh nak masuk blog aku sendiri, heheheheh. biarlah masa yg menentukan.

Dubai? hmmm so far ok, skrg almost winter so suasana akan berangin n nyaman, x mcm masa aku mula2 sampai ke dubai dulu. masya allah pasansnya. bayangkan, nak berjalan pukul 8 pagi pon xleh. panas dia menggigit, pedih kulit, x mcm panas kat malaysia. tapi skrg dah ok. aku pon dah mula pakai sweater skrg, x lama baju sejuk tebal. ada gak peluang nak merasa musim yg empat tu. kalo tak sebab keje aku ni lah, mesti balik2 musim hujan, panas, durian, rambutan...yg tu jelah. tapi skrg dah lain. alhamdulillah. apa yg kagum utk aku, tambah2 org yg mcm aku, bangunan kat sini mmg grand2 design dia. gempak2.....Burj Dubai, menara tertinggi didunia tu blakang opis aku je. skrg dah siap tingkat yg ke 180, tinggi melangit. aku selalu bayangkan kat puncak dia ada mata Sauron, mcm dlm citer Lord of the Ring tuh...heheheh. logiklah kan? Burj Al rab? alah dah bosan dah tgk, tu on the way nak ke umah aku kat The Spring area Marina Dubai. tiap2 ari tgk Burj al arab. Projek tengah banyak, so byklah proposal...i mean dubai ni highly develop...hyperactive. mana2 pon ada je construction, everywhere. Good and bad happened here. in the term of environmental, i guess u know what i'm trying to tell u. i guess aku smbung dlm part 2 nnt k?